The flagship technology of Rewire Healthcare is PERT or Poly-Circuit Epigenetic Repatterning Technology – therapies to increase recovery capacity and greatly increase patients’ quality of life. PERT is divided into two proprietary subsets of therapy: 1) Physiological Optimization Protocols (POP) to improve the function of the body’s critical organ systems and 2) Behavioral Epigenetics Adjunct Technology (BEAT) specifically addresses the mental and emotional challenges of chronic disease and pain.
In simple terms, PERT rewires electrical circuits in the brain and nervous system for improved health and well-being by supplying the brain with new information. The body functions on repetitive patterns impacting the physiology as well as the mental and emotional states. By rewiring or repatterning electrical circuits that may be hindering optimal body function and consuming critical biological resources, we can neutralize potential impedances to recovery, accelerate rehabilitation and increase quality of life. BEAT targets modulation of the biochemistry associated with thoughts, emotions and core need fulfillment.
PERT therapies are an advancement in Epigenetic Healthcare™. Therapies influence the body's epigenome (the "software" that controls the physical expression of DNA) by altering biochemical impedance patterns through evidence-based neural repatterning technologies that induce various degrees of coherence in the body’s physical, mental and emotional neural circuitry. Biometric device measurements provide clinical validation of therapy results. Device compatibility is ensured by preliminary assessment for device contraindications followed by testing each device with every patient to ensure favorable outcomes.